Thursday, February 4

Sailing the red breeze

Sailing the red breeze
night sails on red breeze
in our dance of tidal glee
skipping hearts flap free

To travel to red contributions by other Theme Thursday bloggers click on this red balloon (this one, not the one below, I still haven't figured out how to attach links to images).

Photos: Sundance by Ivo Sisevic-Sisko and Red in October by Matjaz Cater
(click on images to enlarge)


  1. Stunning images ---
    truly the essence of red to illustrate
    your beautiful haiku.


  2. beautil pics and your words rival them...happy tt!

  3. Great Proust quote and love that first pic! Well done :)

  4. Amazing red photos and accompanying haiku. Nice TT post, Triple L. I almost missed it!

  5. Thanks everyone for the kind words and welcome to Jjj and subby who I see for the first time on the blog.

    Kat: appreciate the recommendation on Live Writer. I have downloaded it and will try to start using it this weekend.

    willow: I am glad you liked the post, I think that the haiku line about skipping hearts flapping free was inspited partly by the photo and partly by your recent dream-poem with your the dress flapping like a flag in the breeze

  6. beautiful pics. love that first one

  7. Beautiful images. That first one is jus plain joyous!

  8. Thanks, Jaime and Stephanie. Nice to see you on the blog. That first image is what has pleased people the most and I certainly agree. I was not going to participate in Theme Thursday and then on Thursday afternoon I saw the photo and knew I wanted to post it for this week's red theme. As always, we must give credit where credit is due, most of the photos on this blog come from the fantastic Onexposure site ( In the actual posts, I always include the link to the individual photographer's page at Onexposure.

  9. How stunning! And beautiful accompanying words. Just joyful and dramatic! Great job!

  10. The image in your header is just fantastic.


"Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods" — Ralph Waldo Emerson
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